Welcome to Food & Drugs Administration, Haryana

Frequently Asked Questions

Head office of F.D.A Haryana is situated at SCO no-94, Sector-5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109.
The nearest Railway station on the northern line is Chandigarh (approx. 5Km) and from the station to reach the FDA premises you can hire a taxi, rickshaw or take city bus. Alternatively Haryana roadways bus stop, Panchkula is 2 Km from the FDA premises.
You can lodge a complaint with the nearest District /Zonal Office orally or in writing. You can contact personally, on telephone, send e-mail or post a letter.
The following products are considered as drugs : bulk drugs, formulations, disinfectants, contraceptives, and empty gelatin capsules, medical devices, Diagnostics
Yes, complaint can be lodged on phone
Manufacturing license is required for manufacture of Cosmetics and Homeopathic drugs. However, for sale of cosmetics, selling license is not necessary
You can lodge the complaint at Zonal Office or the Commissioner Office.
There are ten zonal offices under the charge of Senior Drugs Controller Officers at – Ambala, Kurukshetra, Sonipat, Panipat,Gurgaon, Sirsa, Hisar, Rohtak, Rewari and Faridabad.
FDA is responsible for ensuring that available medicines are safe and efficacious, and sold at stated price. It also ensures food is available safe and unadulterated.
FDA is concerned with Allopathic, Homeopathic drugs.
When you purchase medicine insist on cash memo. Verify expiry date and price mentioned on label.